Book: ‘Fruit & Vegetables for the Polytunnel and Greenhouse’



Book: ‘Fruit & Vegetables for the Polytunnel and Greenhouse’  is for anyone who wants to grow a wide range of vegetables and fruit in a polytunnel or greenhouse.  It provides comprehensive growing instructions for a wide range of crops.  The book is suitable for the keen grower as well as for the complete beginner.  It’s easy to read and packed full with valuable information.

Here is Michael Viney’s review of the book:

Book: ‘Fruit & Vegetables for the Polytunnel and Greenhouse’

“In a hectic world, and even less certain weather, polytunnel and greenhouse offer peaceful, independent and hugely productive gardening, supplying fresh and varied food right round the year.

Long experience gives Klaus Laitenberger special knowledge of cultivating crops under shelter, and of growing them to their best in efficient, organic ways. Greenhouse or polytunnel extend the seasons for many ‘ordinary’ vegetables, give reliable harvests of the tender and tricky ones, and offer room for exciting experiment with plants one may never have known.

Yacon, Stevia and Pepino are a few exotic names that spice this rich roster of vegetables, but the advice for raising all of them, from Aubergine to Turnip, is a month-by-month companion rich in insight and detail. Of the many new books on growing your own food, this is the one I’ve been waiting for.”

-Michael Viney


Book: ‘Fruit & Vegetables for the Polytunnel and Greenhouse’

Fruit and Vegetables for the Polytunnel & Greenhouse is in its second edition.  I trialled all the varieties in North Leitrim in a Polytunnel as well as in a Greenhouse.  Every year I discover new varieties and crops.  Last year I received a scholarship with Nuffield Ireland.  My topic was “The Lost Crops of the Incas” and I discovered a wonderful new range of food crops.

 New Vegetable Discoveries

In the south of Greece I only recently found the most delicious heritage tomatoes with the best taste ever.  The only trouble was the language difficulties but I finally managed to get the name of the variety – Batala tomato.  When researching it I found it has become quite rare as even the Greeks opt for the blander hard skinned modern, high-yielding tomatoes.

Lost Crops of the Incas

In Peru I found the most interesting ancient crops.  These include ancient grains such as quinoa, amaranth and kaniwa.  I also found amazing tuber crops such as yacon, mashua and oca.  The South American continent is still full of the wonders of the world.

Book: ‘Fruit & Vegetables for the Polytunnel and Greenhouse’

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You can apply for the Nuffield Farming Scholarship here:
