Vlita – Greek Horta



Vlita – Greek Horta is a very common dish in Greece – Horta or boiled greens.  The ingredients change throughout the season but in summer the most common type is Vlita – or Amaranth Greens.  The Latin name is Amaranthus blitum.  It has exceptionally high nutritional properties.  One generous serving covers 90% of our daily vitamin C requirement and 73% of vitamin A.  Vlita is also rich in iron and many other important nutrients.  They are also a great food for weight loss due to the very low calorie content (28 calories per 100g) and are high in antioxidants.

Vlita is usually cooked like spinach – slightly steamed and the Greeks obviously finish it of with a good dash of Greek olive oil and plenty of fresh lemon juice.

It grows best in the summer months – so it should perform well here in the summer months where it could be grown instead of annual spinach which is quite prone to bolting during summer.

Sowing Vlita – Greek Horta

Mid May until late July – sow 3 seeds per cell


Between plants: 15cm

Between rows: 25cm

Approximate seed count: 300



Harvest individual leaves and shoots as required or use the cut-and-come-again technique.


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