Tomato – Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio



Tomato – Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio is a popular variety that grows exclusively on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius near Naples. It’s a local heritage variety that dates back to 1885. The fruits are slightly heart shaped and have a pointed end (known as spungillo). Traditionally these tomatoes were dried and preserved for a long time and could be used during the winter months. Usually the entire bunch of tomatoes is harvested and hung up on balconies to dry.

The locals believe that this variety will only thrive on the volcanic soils of Mount Vesuvius but I will try adding some seaweed around the base and who knows?


February to March

Sow 5 seeds into a small pot (7cm) and keep in a warm place. Pot on into individual 7cm pots around 10 days after germination. If necessary, pot on into a larger pot (10cm) a few weeks later. Plant into greenhouse or polytunnel in May.


Between rows: 50cm

Between plants in the row: 50cm

Approx. seed count: 8
