Shallot – Zebrune (Seed)



Shallot – Zebrune (Seed) is very productive and has a good resistance to bolting.  Produces elongated banana shaped, pink-brown bulbs.  It performs best on a well drained light soil in a sunny location.  A real gourmet variety.


Late January – April (with heat)

Sow 4 seeds per cell in modular trays and plant out 5 weeks later as a bunch.  Do not separate the seedlings.


30cm x 30cm (4 plants per station)

Approx. seed count: 70

Growing Shallot – Zebrune (Seed)


Alliaceae (commonly known as Alliums)

Shallot – Zebrune (Seed) are very easy and quick to grow.

Soil and site:

Shallots prefer a pH of 6.5 to 7 and grow in any reasonably fertile soil.


I usually sow the seeds into modular trays, Four seeds per cell and about 1.5cm deep.  The trays are placed on a heated bench or a warm, south-facing windowsill.  About five weeks after sowing each module is planted out together as a bunch (without separating the seedlings).  In addition, because they are planted like this they are a lot easier maintained and also harvested.

Plant care:

Occasional watering during dry spells is essential especially in the early stages of growth.


Shallot – Zebrune (Seed) are ready to harvest around July/August when nearly all leaves have fallen over and turn yellow.  Dry the bulbs like onion bulbs.

Please note:  Each seed produces one shallot bulb.  If you plant a shallot bulb you will get 4 to 6 new shallots.

Potential problems:

Shallot – Zebrune (Seed) may suffer from the same pests and diseases as onions but to a much lesser extent because they mature so much faster.

Downy mildew is the only problem I have encountered with scallions and only if I left the plants too long in the ground in the first place.  There is a case for composting (or giving away) any excess scallions when they are over mature.

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