Fennel – Common Green



The herb fennel is a perennial plant and you’ll get fresh fern-like leaves for many years and fennel seeds in the autumn. This must be the easiest plant you can grow in your garden. One or two plants are usually sufficient for a family.  This is not to be confused with the related Florence or bulb fennel which has a much shorter growing period.

The herb fennel is one of my favourite plants to grow.  It’s both very beautiful as well as good for attracting beneficial insects.  It will last in the garden for many years.


March – June (3-5 seeds per cell)


45cm x 45cm

Approx. seed count: 50


You can harvest leaves as and when you need them for about 9 months of the year.  At the end of the growing season it’s good to cut the woody stalk back to ground level – chop them into small pieces and put them into the compost.

In order to get fresh new shoots and leaves at a regular basis it’s a good idea to prune down shoots at ground level.  Around July I use strong secateurs and prune down at least a quarter of all shoots right down and then repeat it every three to four weeks.  Once a shoot is cut back severely the plant tries to compensate and you’ll get fresh new shoots within two to three weeks.

Fennel – Common Green

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