Children’s Complete Seed Box



An exciting gift for any child.  12 different seed varieties packed with an instruction leaflet for fun activities in the garden.

Each box contains:

Carrot Touchon

Bee & Butterfly Mix

Sunflowers Tall & Single

Radish Cherry Belle

Cress Fine Curled

Pumpkin Jack O’ Lantern

Calendula Pot Marigold

Rainbow Chard

Oriental Salad Red Bamboo

Squash Patty Pan

Dwarf French Bean Saxa

Courgette Black Beauty

Sunflowers – Tall and Small

Have you ever grown giant sunflowers?  If you have green fingers and good compost your sunflowers could grow up to 3m tall.  That’s about the size of 3 children standing on top of each other! But watch out there are also dwarf sunflowers in the pack.  By the way the world record for the tallest sunflower is 8.75m.

The Enormous Pumpkin

Pumpkins can easily be grown outdoors in your garden or better even on an old compost heap.

Watch out – once they get going they grow like monsters in all directions and try to conquer the rest of the garden.  The heaviest pumpkin that was ever grown weighed over 1,000kg  – that’s as much as 30 seven year old children weigh together.

Wait until October before you harvest them and please don’t waste the lovely flesh when you carve them out.  It makes delicious pumpkin soup.


Garden cress is the best starter plant for children.  It starts to grow within a few days and you can eat the leaves within a couple of weeks.  Any container is suitable – even eggshells from your boiled eggs, yoghurt pots or flower pots etc.  Just put a few drainage holes into the bottom.

Sprinkle seeds thickly into any shallow tray filled with seed compost and cover very lightly.  You can cut out shapes or bubble write and create a plant picture.  On your windowsill they can be sown any time of the year.

Bee and Butterfly Mix

This is a beautiful mixture of over 20 different flowers that are loved by bees and butterflies.  Both bees and butterflies are fascinating creatures.  Find out why they are so important to us.

Sow 10 seeds into each module of a cell tray or sprinkle them into a normal seed tray or pot (about 1 to 2cm apart) from late March until early May. About 4 to 6 weeks later plant them into the garden or pot or hanging basket.


Radishes are the easiest vegetable to grow and hopefully if you have grown them yourself you’ll also eat them.  They are really delicious when eaten small and especially with some salt and butter on them.

Sow seeds about 1-2cm deep in any container with a minimum of 5cm depth or directly into the garden soil.  Make a shallow trench about 2cm deep, sprinkle the seeds into it (not too thickly – about 2-3cm apart) and then cover over the trench.  The radishes will be ready to eat within 4-6 weeks.  Outside you can sow them from April until September.

Carrot Touchon

Growing your first carrots is a truly magical experience when pulling out these bright orange roots from the dark soil.

Apparently if you eat plenty of carrots you can see better in the dark.

Calendula Pot Marigold

Calendula is a very special plant.  It brightens up your plot and you can even eat the bright orange flowers.  It flowers for many months and only need to sow it once in your lifetime as it re seeds itself.

Rainbow Chard

Imagine having a vegetable in all the colours of the rainbow.  This one is the easiest and most prolific one to grow.  The stalks can be used as a stir fry and the leaves in a soup.

Oriental Salad Red Bamboo

A quick and easy salad with blood red leaves.  It adds a little spice to a salad and can be even grown on a windowsill.  Do successional sowing which is sowing a few seeds every couple of weeks.

Squash Patty Pan

How exciting would it be to grow a UFO shaped vegetable.  Give it plenty of space in your plot and don’t plant it outside until the first of June. Sow in early May inside and then plant out in June.

Dwarf French Bean Saxa

Beans are becoming very popular.  This is ideal because it doesn’t need any staking or support and needs very little space.

It is also a great meat alternative because of it’s high protein.  Imagine a little handful of these shiny beans turning into a beautiful plant laden with bean pods.

Courgette Black Beauty

Be prepared that you will get so many courgettes from one of these plants.  And if you don’t harvest them regularly they will turn into monsters (marrows).  They have one of the biggest flowers of all vegetables and in many countries they stuff these flowers and eat them.
