Chervil – Massa



Chervil – Massa is one of the most under-rated and neglected herbs.  Also it makes an absolutely fantastic and refreshing addition to any salad.  This variety Chervil – Massa produces dark green and smooth leaves.


For continuity you can sow every three weeks from mid February until early September. The early sowings (February to late April) and late sowings (August to September) should be planted in a tunnel or greenhouse.  Whereas the other sowings can be planted outdoors.
The early sowings require some additional heat ideally from a heating bench. I generally sow chervil in modular trays (5-7 seeds per cell) and they are ready for planting about 4 weeks later.

Approx. seed count: 250


Between rows: 25cm
Between plants: 15cm (groups of 5-7 plants)

Latin name

Anthriscus cerefolium


Umbelliferae (also known as Apiaceae)

Chervil is not yet a popular herb.  However,  I include it in my book because I think it’s one of the most underrated cut herbs. Due to its refreshing flavour it is an ideal ingredient for any salad. Chervil has never been developed by plant breeders.  Hence,  there are very few named varieties available. Like dill and coriander it is a very short lived annual and thus needs to be sown at regular intervals.

Soil and site

Chervil will grow on any reasonably fertile soil. Just a small compost application prior to planting is sufficient. During the summer months it can be grown in part shade.

Plant care

Apart from regular weeding and watering there is little else to do. However, good tunnel or greenhouse ventilation is essential.


With successional sowings you can expect to harvest chervil nearly all year round.
You can pick individual leaves if only small quantities are required. Also you can use the cut-and-come-again technique. Cut when the plants are about 15cm tall.
You can expect to get two to three cuts per plant. As soon as the new batch is producing well it is best to discard the older ones.

Potential problems

I have never encountered any problems with chervil.

How much to grow?

Two to three multi-seeded plants sown every three weeks will be adequate.


Massa (an excellent new variety with dark green, smooth leaves)

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