Calendula – Pot Marigold



Calendula – Pot Marigold is a semi double variety of this amazing edible orange flower.  It has also many medicinal benefits and can be made into herbal preparations.

Sowing:  From March to June.

Sow one seed per module and plant out 4 weeks later.  Alternatively sow direct.

Spacing: 20cm x20cm

Approx. seed count: 80

Although Calendula is commonly called “Pot Marigold”, they are not in the same genus as the common marigo.d, Tagetes. (However they are part of the same family, Asteraceae, along with daisies and chrysanthemums. You can see the resemblance in their daisy-like flowers.) Pot marigold refers to the gold flowers that bloomed during the festivals celebrating the Virgin Mary (marigold) and its use in cooking , or pots. Many gardeners simply grow pot marigolds for their bright cheery flowers and profuse blooming.

Pot marigolds will bloom throughout the growing season. The leaves are slightly fussy and not the most attractive part of the plants. Although the petals have a slightly bitter flavor, they have no fragrance. They’re used in all kinds of recipes, from butter to wine, but they are mostly favored for their intense colour.

Growing Calendula – Pot Marigold

Pot marigolds can be sown directly in the spring, or even summer, or they can be started indoors as transplants. They’re very easy to maintain and once established in your garden, they will self-seed, but they don’t generally become a nuisance.

Rich soil and a full sun location will keep your calendula blooming, although they will adapt to most any soil conditions. Don’t be afraid to cut blooms from your pot marigold. It will only encourage more budding, which is a good thing. In addition to their culinary uses, pot marigolds are used in herbal medicine, as a dye plant and even as a cut flower.


Virtually problem free.


Collect flowers in late morning, after the dew has dried. Pick flowers when they are fully open and check often, because they come and go quickly.

You can use the flowers fresh or you can dry and store the blossoms for later use. Cut the flower heads off and spread them out on a screen, in a shady, dry spot. Turn them occasionally until they are papery dry and store until ready to use.

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