Q: Kale and Chard
Chard and Kale … what a magnificent start for any small gardener. I have just pulled up last year’s Kale plants….nearly a metre high and having just started going to seed. I put out nine plants from seed in June last year, covered them with insect netting (as you recommended on your course) and had a continuous supply of fresh kale for nine months, just resting the plants for January and February. The netting really worked wonders, not a trace of caterpillars. Compared to the trouble and space needs of Brussels Sprouts Kale is a dream plant. I’m looking for Russian Blue Kale(recommended by a Teagasc rep at Bloom last year but I can’t find any seeds) Do you know where I can get this variety? Chard is another dream crop as you mention in the newsletter. Earlier this week I started to harvest the new growth on last year’s plants and have new seeds in the ground for this year.